Parenting without Punishment


Dr Shaji Thomas John, Kerala    16 January 2018

  1. Parenting practices around the world share three major goals: ensuring childrens health and safety, preparing children for life as productive the goal of discipline is to change behavior.
  2. Physical discipline is ineffective at it and has a lot of negative impact on the child’s development. We punish children because some parents were taught discipline through such punishments themselves.
  3. Do not confuse discipline with punishment. Encourage and practice positive discipline, rewarding good behavior and curtailing negative behaviors. Teach children to become responsible, respectful and resourceful and inculcate a spirit of self-discipline. Create a positive learning environment using assertive discipline with a realistic expectation. Enable parents to handle situations more appropriately while remaining calm, friendly and respectful to the children themselves.
  4. Parenting from love understands that as humans, we feel everything on the spectrum of human emotion and don’t take it so personally. Parenting from fear forces; whereas parenting from love accepts. Discipline should not leave lasting scars.

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